Phim LuangPor PARN WatBangNomKho (Buddha Riding Animals) !!

Phra LuangPor PARN WatBangNomKho (Buddha Riding Animals),

LP PARN Wat Bang-Nom-Kho is once of top 10 most famous Magician Monk of Thailand. He has Powerful in making amulet display Lord Buddha image riding on several animals or sacred myth creatures.

Amulet will made with 6 different mold and  Each animal has different effective power as

1. Garuda Half man birds : good for leader , power to control people

2. Hanuman The monkey King : good for windfall and gambling lucky, also become to the winner in business 

3.Chicken : good for money catch, fight and victory, fast rich become to millionaire

4. Bird : good for saved and survival,  change fortune better, fixed and escape from dangerous

5. Fish : good for healthy strong life, Recovery and get well fast. good fortune for trading or join friendship

6. Porcupine : good for prevent and protection from harmful, helpful and keep life far from dangerous,  sheiled fortune and seek supporter

The most popular PHIM (mold) is Buddha riding on chicken.  

The miracle keep happening from this amulet especially with money matters. LP Parn was a master that had many disciples. whenever LP Parn needed money for temple used, his disciples from near and far would come to his aid. Most of the money spent on renovations came from the sales of amulets as well as donations from his disciples.

Beside building temples, LP Parn also helped villagers treat their sickness and free them from the spell. LP Parn would use holy water and herbs mixed with Pali scriptures, and meditation power to help the villagers. All the people who went to him would have their problems or illnesses solved in the end.